Resuming Reflexology

I am delighted to say that Reflexology has been given the go ahead to resume from 13th July 2020. Preparations have been underway at Top To Toe Treatments to start seeing clients again from 20th July, with covid secure measures in place. Lifestyle and nutrition support as well as flower remedies, will continue to be available too, online or by phone.

How Can Reflexology Help?

Reflexology is renowned for alleviating stress and anxiety and improving mood and sleep, all of which have knock on benefits for over all health, wellbeing and immune resilience.

This is particularly relevant as we emerge cautiously out of lockdown to integrate and re-socialise again, whilst protecting ourselves from a second wave of covid19.

Alleviating Isolation  

Reflexology enables human contact and connection, in a safe environment, which is very reassuring and comforting.  It is a perfect antidote to feelings of isolation.  

Releasing Emotions

Often clients experience a release of emotions, which can reduce stress and tension, which may have been building up under lockdown.


The treatment is carried out on the feet, this enables a good distance of at least one metre from the head and face. Additionally we will be wearing masks, with minimum interruption to the treatment and the room will be sanitised and well ventilated before and between clients. The option for outdoor treatments is also available, weather permitting!


Clients choose whether to totally relax (even fall asleep in some cases) or have a conversation during treatment. Both options are beneficial, depending on client needs.  The reclining chair is extremely conducive to relaxation, before treatment has even started!

Balancing all systems of the body

Because all systems of the body map onto areas on the feet, the treatment brings these into balance to work better together, based on the premise that everything is connected. 

This may be helpful given that after effects of covid19 can have systemic effects, throughout the body. So for example, congestion in the digestive or respiratory system and/or diaphragm, may be having effects on our mental alertness and functioning.  By improving digestive and respiratory functioning and elimination of toxins, this can help to lift “brain fog”   

Reducing Inflammation

We know that Reflexology reduces stress, this in turn helps reduce inflammation in the body.  Inflammation is involved in most modern day chronic conditions, most of which are common risk factors for more severe covid19 cases. 

Improving immune function

The lymphatic system is very important for our immune function.  A more advanced technique of reflexology for lymph drainage (RLD), improves lymphatic and immune function,  by helping to clear toxins and waste products from cellular metabolism and fight infections.     


Some non-classical signs of covid19 may actually show up on the feet in some people, who may otherwise be asymptomatic, for example so called “covid toe”.  They may even test negative for antigen or antibody and yet have the virus present in their blood vessel endothelial cells.  As we are learning more about this novel virus on a daily basis, observations through working on areas of the feet that relate to different parts of the body may identify areas that are out of balance to bring them back into balance.

The aim of the treatment is to provide a safe haven for your relaxation and wellbeing and hopefully once you are reclined on the chair, all your worries will drift away ! 

Article written by Tracy Mills for Local People Magazine issue August 2020.  Tracy is a full time Reflexologist & holistic therapist registered with Association of Reflexologists (AoR) and also trained with the Institute of Functional Medicine (IFM) offering nutrition and lifestyle advice for optimal wellbeing. She can also be found on the Professional Standards Agency register for referrals from other health care professionals including G.Ps